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Insects as Food

Good for the planet

Edible insects can be farmed with very few ressources. This makes them a particularly sustainable source of protein, which can make an important contribution against climate change.

Low ressource consumption

Farming insects requires 10 times less feed and up to 100 times less water than producing beef. 80-100% of the insects is edibe, which is more than double compared to beef.

Source: van Huis, A., & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Eds.). (2013).

Low global warming potential

Farming mealworms produces less greenhouse gases in comparison with other animal proteins. This helps reducing the global warming potential of our food production.

Source: Oonincx DGAB, de Boer IJM (2012) Environmental Impact of the Production of Mealworms as a Protein Source for Humans – A Life Cycle Assessment.


Already today, more than 2 billion people eat insect on a regular basis – for excellent reasons. Also in western cultures, more and more people choose to eat delicious and nutritious insects.

Good for the planet

Edible insects can be farmed with very few ressources. This makes them a particularly sustainable source of protein, which can make an important contribution against climate change.

Questions and answers

Do you still have questions about insect consumption or our products? We’ve answered the most frequently asked questions for you.

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  • Insect Snack Mix – The wild one | 10 Snacks 1 Box

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  • Insect Snack Mix – The seducers | 10 Snacks 1 Box

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  • Insect Snack Mix | 8 pieces Box

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  • Insect Snack Mix | 8 pieces Box

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